I’m tired of Dog the Bounty Hunter!
I’m sitting here watching an episode of Dog the Bounty Hunter (why I have no clue) where they are trying to get this guy named Ruben Reed for dating an underage chic and other things. Dog sends his wife (Beth the Bitch) and his prego daughter who’s nine months already. She’s says she doesn’t want…
St. Patricks day don’t do’s
Holy crap! We were out and about on St. Patricks Day doing a little shopping when we came across a rather festive lady. Now, I don’t really have a problem with the outfit, just with the one wearing it. I normally don’t poke fun at anyone for general things like small, big, ugly, etc., but…
I have seen many things in my years that have just made me stop and think, “WTF are you thinking?” when I see it. Walking around the local Walmart I came across this couple shopping. Nothing was coming of it as we just passed them the first time and all I noticed was this chic’s…
Smokehouse at the outdoor mall in Huntsville, AL
OK what the hell is this about? Thisisbullcrap.com is up in Huntsville, Alabama this weekend just hanging out with some friends. We go to the Apple store and do some techno shopping then we all go to check out Aston Kutcher’s restaurant Ketchup and come to find out that this ‘bama’s restaurant has closed down…